[Commission Info]
• Opens every 1st day of the month, except June and December.
• Closes in 2 weeks or if I have enough workload for the month.
Pixel Art Comms
•Pixel icon [50x50px]
Base price: 25 USD
Animation: +2~5 USD
(blink animation is free)
You'll also receive a 200% zoomed version.
•Pixel Doll [200x200px]
Base price: 40 USD
Design complexity:
+2~5 USD
Animation: +2~5 USD
(simple movements only)
(blink animation is free)
Feel free to ask for a specific canvas size!
Drawing Comms
•Fullbody Drawing
Base price: 30 USD
Design complexity: +3~8 USD
Extra character: +30 USD per character
Simple bg: +5 USD
Around 2000x2000px
Feel free to ask for a specific canvas size!
Terms of Service
Last update on 01/25•Always check the TOS before ordering.
The moment you order me, you're agreeing with the following!
[✓ What I draw:]
Animals, anthro, humans, creatures in general.[X What I do not:]
NSFW, fetishes, offensive/hateful content, anything I feel uncomfortable with.
I also prefer to not take comms from NSFW accounts/ characters, even if the request itself is SFW.
I have the right to decline a commission for whatever reason;
You can request up to 3 works at once;
Payment must be done in advance, through Paypal. I'll send an invoice along with the initial sketch;
I'll proceed the work after the payment+sketch approval;
I may take up from 1 to 3 weeks to get it done, depending of complexity and my current workload. You can ask me to keep you updated with WIPs!
You can ask for small edits after the commission is done;
I usually post the commissioned drawings in my DA Gallery or as comm examples (ask in advance if you don't want me to);
I don't make refunds;
You may use the drawing in whatever you want, as long you give me credit. Do not use it commercially!!
How to order
Send me a PM through any of my social medias listed here with the following info:-Comm type;
-Character references;
-Any extra detail you may want to add, like canvas size, animation idea, extra references, etc.Any questions feel free to ask!